Actually Seeing

Soon I will be in Maine, keep checking in to follow along with this crazy new adventure.


I am preparing myself to get in my car and drive fourteen hours along the entirety of Lake Erie, across the whole state of New York, to the edge of Massachusetts, north along the Atlantic Ocean and half way up the coast of Maine to an artists’ residency in Rockport: alone. I am terrified, but I am also so incredibly excited.

Throughout the entirety of my life I have been placing myself in high anxiety situations just to prove to myself that I can do things. I am scared of quite literally everything, but the fear that trumps them all is the fear that I will miss out on living because I was terrified of life. This is how I became the 2011 Wyandot County Jr Fair Queen. One day I thought to myself that I would like to represent my county, so I sent in my application before I could change my…

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Author: Kaitlyn Jo Smith

artist // adventurer // honeybee

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